Sunday, April 7, 2013

North Korea has Photoshop!

It shouldn't be any surprise that North Korea would adopt a practice of that other country ruled by lunatics - Iran - and create extra military items in its official photos by using the clone stamp tool in Photoshop. Analysis

According to one military analyst interviewed on CNN, most of the Hermit Kingdom's military equipment consists of 'old clunkers' from the Soviet Union of the 1980s and earlier. Still the risk of the Dear Leader's millions of fanatical soldiers causing big damage to South Korea with what they have is there, of course.

Neither China nor South Korea want the Kim Jong Un kingdom to collapse as neither wants to have to deal with millions of impoverished and hungry North Koreans.  So why all the bluster?  An attempt to get more concessions and a reduction in sanctions?  Probably. 

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