Tuesday, April 2, 2013

NZ custom built Puma Sports car

Spotted for sale on ebay was this 1953 New Zealand built Puma Sports Race Car powered with a Ford Cortina engine, shipped to the US in 2003.

Frank Cantwell of Christchurch built his own cars under the company name of Cantwell Cars. The Puma Sports had a purpose chassis designed by Arthur Praed, a fiberglass body and was originally powered by the Austin A-30 engine. Total production amounted to 6 cars which Frank himself raced in multiple events over several years. This is one of 2 surviving coupes.

For lots of examples of custom-built cars like this one, see the book Alternative Drivestyles by Patrick Harlow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looks awesome and design of this sports car is just like a vintage car. It is the oldest sports car and it looks more graceful than new sports cars.

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