Monday, September 14, 2015

Traveling on beautiful Interstate 80, 1960s

I-80 is a 2,900 mile (4,666 km) route -- the second-longest Interstate Highway in the United States after Interstate 90 -- from San Francisco to the greater NYC area in NJ.

"I-80 is the Interstate highway that most closely approximates the route of the historic Lincoln Highway, the first road across America. The highway roughly traces other historically significant travel routes in the Western United States: the Oregon Trail across Wyoming and Nebraska, the California Trail across most of Nevada and California, the first transcontinental airmail route, and except in the Great Salt Lake area, the entire route of the First Transcontinental Railroad."


ChrisW said...

Iowa Taken from Overpass Exit 179 looking East towards Sugar Creek and the next visible exit of the Grinnell rest area.

google co-ords 41.695328, -92.795434

transpress nz said...

Thanks, you must drive over it regularly.

ChrisW said...

Ah no I've never driven that road East of Des Moines and that was back in 1997. First glance I thought Iowa, because it is easy as to rule out anything West of Omaha. Second the combination of the visible double interchange made it faily easy to find on the Highway map. Thirdly I'm a Kiwi, never lived in the US but have driven all over the Western half, that is probably why I read your Blog given the variety of transport themes.
