Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Calcutta trams, India

Esplanade Junction, late 1950
In the background is the 705 metre (2,313 ft) Howrah Bridge from 1943.

Calcutta (now called Kolkata) is notable as the only Indian city with a tram system.  The origins date back to 1873 and a short lived 2.4-mile (3.9 km) line. In 1880 a metre gauge system powered by horsed was inaugurated, the horses replaced by steam locos two years later.  In 1900 conversion to standard gauge took place and electric trams were inaugurated in 1902.  The system today uses 319 trams, of which 239 are operational; but only 170 run on the streets on a daily basis.

Several historic Calcutta transport pics are on this webpage

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