Saturday, November 5, 2016

Paris authorities clear Camp Stalingrad

Named for the WW2 battle, widely attributed as the turning point of the war in Europe, the space under the elevated Paris Metro station of Stalingrad was starting to resemble the original with thousands of Muslim migrants camped there. The camp has now been removed. It isn't the solution, of course, as the tide of migrants is still going to be a major problem for the forseeable future; unless the navies of western Europe intercept their boats and return the illegals back to where they departed from.
3 300 migrants ont déjà été évacués du campement de Stalingrad à Paris. Suivez notre direct
Le démantèlement du campement de Stalingrad progresse rapidement. Vendredi 4 novembre à la mi-journée, 3 300 migrants avaient été évacués dans 70 bus, a indiqué à franceinfo la préfecture d'Ile-de-France. Au total, environ 3 600 personnes devraient quitter les lieux, a ajouté la même source. Suivez la situation en direct.
Most of these Muslim migrants want to go to Britain, just like millions of them already have: a disturbing chart showing the results of just 10 years of them arriving there:

They aren't the grateful refugees willing to integrate that the mainstream media love to portray them as either, most of them are hostile invaders: Read this frightening article

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