Sunday, February 14, 2016

Saudi Arabia sends troops and fighter jets to a military base in Turkey

Along with Turkey, Hezbollah/Iran, the US and Russia, Saudi Arabia has been one of the foreign powers involved so far in a proxy war in Syria, supporting those groups which it sees furthering its objectives, which aren't always compatible with the objectives of the other powers. Now it becomes a direct participant.

Saudi officials have stated that they want to fight ISIS and see President Bashar al-Assad removed; the latter is the principal objective.  Russia, of course, wants Assad's regime to stay, so does Iran. And as everyone knows, Iran and Saudi Arabia hate each other.  

Most citizens of Europe don't care who rules Syria as long as the deluge of economic migrants from the various Muslim countries that have joined the Syrian exodus is reversed. In regards to Syrians, that should happen, to a limited extent, if the fighting ceases, their cities are rebuilt and they think they won't be attacked by one of the other religious sects.  But that's a very big task.

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