Sunday, January 10, 2016

a Muslim shoots a Philadelphia PA policeman in the name of Islam, 8 January 2016

The Muslim's hand and gun are literally inside the police cruiser at one point, momentarily stopped at the intersection between Spruce St and 6th St, center city, through the car's open window to intentionally kill the policeman, execution style.

Fortunately, most of the bullets from his 13 shots either missed or hit the arm, and not the more vital parts of the victim. Though bleeding heavily, officer Jesse Hartnett was able to return 3 shots, 1 of which hit and injured the Muslim criminal, Edward Archer, who was quickly apprehended by other backup police officers.

The Commissioner says the Muslim gave a full confession, saying he did it in the name of Islam.

The links in this clip are interesting, but caution is needed as to their accuracy.  Not all mostly Muslim countries eliminate minority rights; for example, Egypt has a constitution that recognizes Islam, Christianity and Judaism, and it is illegal to denigrate any of them.    If all countries in the region were like Egypt and Jordan there would be a lot fewer problems.

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