Thursday, November 12, 2015

non-politically correct documentary on the flood of Muslim migrants into Europe

The producer states, "This video will not be online long, download and mirror it while you can."

Update: this was blocked after a spurious copyright claim from a French (yes, French - maybe Muslim too?) musician about the music. It is now back on YouTube minus the music.


Wallace said...

We may be very fortunate to live along way from these troubles,and I really feel for those threatened , as I can understand many families fleeing from war and hunger,but its the way many are 'demanding' and throwing abuse at those who have tried to help them is really just plain disrespectful and the acts of idiots. As for their abuse of women and children well that says it all for their so called religion. There were some sensible remarks in the film, and I actually agreed with Donald Trump.

transpress nz said...

Some of these people are genuine refugees, but the vast majority are economic migrants, and at least 20% of them are from Pakistan. Our view is that if immigrants can't behave themselves then they should be deported.

What is going to happen soon if European governments can't control these uneducated, violent, hate-filled Muslims is that the indigenous people will engage in vigilante actions throughout Europe against them, particularly in Germany, and things are going to get ugly.