Tuesday, September 8, 2015

each Muslim migrant costs the country $81,000 - NZ Prime Minister John Key

Under pressure from Opposition parties to take more migrants from Syria on top of 150 already planned as part of an existing annual intake of 750 refugees, the NZ government says it will take another 600 from Syria.

Refugee services will be "stretched" as 750 Syrians are resettled in New Zealand over the next two and a half years.

The emergency package - in response to a tide of migrants and refugees leaving war and poverty in the Middle East and Africa - will cost around $50 million. Prime Minister John Key says that's about all the country can cope with, for the time being. Key says each refugee costs around $81,000 and total spending will be between $75-80 million per year.

Most of the refugees will be homed by Housing New Zealand, and the bulk will come to Wellington where there is already a large Syrian community.

stuff article

One hopes that the Opposition parties will also support measures to deal with the cause of the migration, namely the eradication of ISIS and the replacement of the Assad regime with one that prevents further instability which terrorist groups like ISIS have exploited.

And, as mentioned before, one hopes that every migrant is thoroughly screened; see this article about an ISIS operative who has revealed the terrorist group has successfully smuggled thousands of covert jihadists hidden among innocent refugees into Europe.
 barbecue cooking, ISIS style

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