Thursday, February 5, 2015

Jordan promises revenge over Muslim terror group's latest atrocity video

The immediate response to the video by Muslim terror group Islamic State burning alive in a cage a captured Jordanian air force pilot on 3 January has been to execute two of its prisoners on death row: analysis of and a link to the Islamic State's slickly produced 22-minute video (the above action starts at about the 18 minute stage) are on this Fox News page.

Other experts say that this "atrocity pornography" is aimed at recruiting depraved psychopaths who enjoy this sort of thing.

What this episode also does is demonstrate that with this particular Muslim group, it is a fight to the death; negotiations are a complete waste of time.

Jordanian fighter pilots carried out devastating sorties against ISIS early on Thursday 5th, making good on their king's vow of vengeance for the horrific burning killing of the captured airman - whose hometown the jets buzzed triumphantly after the mission. Reports said the latest strikes killed 55 members of ISIS, including a senior commander known as the “Prince of Nineveh.”

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