Sunday, January 25, 2015

NSW CPH gasoline rail motor from 1923

Another of the delightfully quaint items of Australian motive power was this rail motor class which had wood bodies and roof mounted radiators. A total of 37 were built and 22 of them still exist.

"As built, the normal seating capacity was 45, 21 in 1st class and 24 in 2nd (or economy) class. A further seven could be accommodated on the flap seats provided in the guard's compartment. An additional feature of these cars were the prized seats either side of the driver (the drivers cab being centrally located in the middle of the carriage, there was one passenger seat located either side of the cab, looking directly ahead)." More


Anonymous said...

Not a gasoline engine.
A GM 6-71 diesel engine in this one.

transpress nz said...

"As built, they were fitted with petrol engines"