Tuesday, January 5, 2016

SAS sniper kills ISIS terrorists through a 10 inch wall


An SAS sniper killed three Islamic State suicide bombers by firing shots from the world's most powerful rifle through a 10-inch [25-cm] wall, according to reports.

The marksman, said to have been serving as an adviser to Iraqi forces, fired 30 rounds from a Barrett M82 .50 calibre anti-materiel rifle into a two-storey command post in the city of Ramadi in Iraq.

Military sources have suggested that the operation saved many lives.

Full article

Our reader says the only problem with the article is that the UK Special Forces do not use the Barratt 82 .5in rifle, but, the Accuracy International AS50 12.7mm, which has been modified for combat use since it came into service in 2009, replacing the very expensive Barratt.

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