Monday, January 4, 2016

Muslim youths push a car down a Brussels subway staircase, New Year's eve

This happened at the Clemenceau station at 8pm on New Year's Eve -- and naturally they videoed themselves doing it.

Brussels MP Jamal Ikazban took to Facebook to express his outrage -- not only with the youths, but also with the security services.

'I have a thought for the person who wakes up quietly this January 1 and finds out that his car is in the subway,' he said.

'It is not only not funny, but what is the most frightening it is to imagine that it is possible to take a car in the underground despite the warnings of level 3 AND 4, the presence of the military, the many cameras.

'Let us imagine for a moment that same car full of explosives in the subway and you will understand that we are entitled to ask ourselves the question of the effectiveness of all these new security measures.'

Another clip was posted on Facebook of Muslims setting fire to a Christmas tree with what could have been a gasoline bomb, and then shouting 'allahu akbar'.  It wasn't clear if it was the same gang, but as it was also in Place Clemenceau that seems likely.

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