Saturday, December 7, 2013

railway meglomania in Berlin 1933-1945

As most people know, Hitler planned to transform Berlin into his Welthauptstadt (world capital) and rename it Germania; and when it came to architecture, for Hitler bigger was better.  Two grand central axes were planned: the East-West Siegesallee (or victory avenue - the part of which that was built is today's Strasse des 17. Juni) and a North-South Prachtallee or Magnificent Avenue.  At the north end of this was to be the Nordbahnhof and at the south end the Sudbahnhof, both suitably oversized creations, like the rest of the planned buildings

This book in our library looks at these never-realised plans and the transport implications for Hitler's fantasyland.
Albert Speer's model of the south-north axis with the planned Sudbahnhof or south station at the bottom with the massive Grosse Halle (Great Hall) top centre.
This view looks north to south with the Nordbahnhof at bottom right.

map of how the reorganised railway lines would have been

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