Monday, September 9, 2013

when a bridge over water becomes a tunnel under it

Across the Ă–resund between Sweden and Denmark the bridge becomes a tunnel to enable the passage of ships, and the avoid interference with aircraft line of sight at the Amager airport. The 4,050 metre (13,287 ft) long Drogden Tunnel comprises a 3,510 metre (11,516 ft) undersea tube tunnel plus 270 metres (886 ft) entry tunnels at each end. The tube tunnel is made from 20 prefabricated reinforced concrete segments – the most massive in the world at 55,000 tonnes each – interconnected in a trench dug in the seabed. Two tubes in the tunnel carry railway tracks, two carry roads and a small fifth tube is provided for emergencies.See earlier posts.


Anonymous said...

In acea zona nu sunt furtuni? Ce se intampla cu Tunelul la o eventuala furna??? M Drosu - Romania

transpress nz said...

In common with tunnels of this type there is certain to be a system to pump sea and rain water out of it.