Sunday, September 9, 2012

tram from Brooklyn at Central Park

No, not New York, although those who named the streets in the Wellington suburb of Brooklyn clearly had America on their minds.

This scene is near the bottom of the fairly steep Brooklyn Road.  For more, see the books Wellington: a Capital Century and Wellington Transport Memories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We moved to Brooklyn in the late 1950s when I was four or five years of age and you're right about the American influence on the street names. We lived in Cleveland St and our cousins lived around the corner in Jefferson St. I can't recall all the other street names now but I attended the Catholic church in Taft street and I recall Washington Avenue, Lincoln Avenue and Garfield St among others.
When I was a bit older I went to school in the central city and most late afternoons I'd walk home through Central Park, right through the gates in the picture you put up. I haven't been to that park in 35 years but your photo brought back some pleasant memories.

Cheers, Rob