Sunday, March 16, 2014

the Blerta bus


Blerta stood for the 'Bruno Lawrence Electric Revelation and Travelling Apparition', basically a jazzy soft rock band, but incorporating other forms of entertainment and in the mid-1970s had its own late night TV show, which tended to 'push the envelope' in terms of content.  A 6 part doco is here.

The bus that the band travelled around in was a post-WW2 Leyland OPS3 export version of the Tiger half cab.


Anonymous said...

Actually it was a post WW2 Leyland OPS3 with the '600' engine and synchromesh gearbox. I can't recall the fleet no offhand but it was a twin to the WTM's no 247.

Unknown said...

Hiya, I would be interested in tracking down this bus for a special exhibition. Of course there is a 99% chance it has disintegrated in a field somewhere! But any info would be welcome. Also if anyone remembers the registration plate? Cheers, William

Anonymous said...

William, you are right about the bus in a field somewhere - it doesn't look anything like it once did.