Sunday, February 27, 2022

1978 'Freedom' Leyland Mini, NZ

It may not be one of those used in the 1980 movie Goodbye Pork Pie, but it is the same age and color.  This took part in the Freedom Convoy to Wellington to protest the NZ government's mandatory injections that allegedly prevent the spread of coronavirus.  It has been liberally covered with messages by supporters who say the vaccine doesn't do this, is an expensive waste of time and is highly suspect in maiming and killing people.


Mike Mellor said...

Injections were never mandatory - people were perfectly at liberty not to have them. That decision would have consequences but not legal ones, and nobody was forcing injections on anyone.

transpress nz said...

"No jab, no job" was mandatory for about 40% of the population, "no jab no entry into many social and economic establishments including bars, clubs cinemas and swimming baths" was mandatory. The fits the definition of mandatory in our dictionary. Your party can't pretend otherwise.