Tuesday, January 3, 2012

bus on Stalinallee, East Berlin

What looks like an IFA bus on an otherwise deserted, newly built Stalinallee in East Berlin, probably at the time of its completion in 1953.  The 2 km long avenue was built on the ruins of what had been the Grosse Frankfurter Strasse as a showpiece of Communist architecture in honour of the communists' then benefactor, Stalin. 

As it happened, 1953 was the year that Stalin died and in 1961 orders from Moscow throughout the Eastern bloc were that all place and street names containing Stalin had to be changed and all statues of him removed. Accordingly this was changed to Karl-Marx-Allee, which it still is today.

One-time DDR dissident singer-songwriter Wolf Biermann wrote a satirical song about it called "Acht Argumente für die Beibehaltung des Namens Stalinallee für die Stalinallee" (Eight arguments for keeping the name Stalinallee for the Stalinallee).

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