Monday, August 25, 2014

Auckland transport policy debate this Wednesday

As nearly everyone knows, the greater Auckland area represents about a third of NZ's population and being very spread out, transport there is highly important in the scheme of things.  A debate between election candidates is being held on Wednesday, details on the poster above, with the addition of Maggie Barry as the National Party speaker.

Does the National Party really see L.A.-style 12-lane freeways (with four allocated to cars with more than just the driver in them) as the answer?  And it isn't just a matter of looking at the movement of people, but also freight.  Unlike BNSF and Union Pacific in L.A., KiwiRail has no money to invest in new efficient facilities, let alone upgrade the North Auckland line to handle modern intermodal, which is what the American railroads would be doing.  Does National intend to do something positive about this?  There are several questions we would have for Ms Barry, but unfortunately none of us can be present to ask them.

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