Saturday, March 16, 2013

Internet statistics

According to Pingdom there were 634 million websites in the world last December and 144 billion e-mails are sent every day, of which nearly 69% were spam.  Lots more interesting stats are on the page linked.

So what about us?  According to urlpulse, this blog ranks at number 2,092,042 most visited website, not much in itself, but it's in the top 0.3%, which given that nearly all of it is archive stuff rather than news, is quite impressive.

The audience has changed somewhat this year: in the last 30 days the percentages of pageviews by country (top 10) were:-

United States  33.9%
United Kingdom  7.8%
Germany  7.4%
France  6.5%
New Zealand  4.6%
Australia  2.7%
Canada  2.2%
Japan  1.9%
Russia  1%
Netherlands  0.9%

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