Sunday, March 17, 2013

Chemins de Fer du Jura poster, Switzerland, circa 1950

The Chemins de fer du Jura (CJ), i.e. the railways of the Jura canton in north-west Switzerland, came about as the result of an amalgamation, in 1944, of four independent companies connecting Porrentruy to Bonfol, Saignelégier to La Chaux-de-Fonds, Glovelier to Saignelégier and Tavannes to Tramelan and Le Noirmont. The lines extend for a total of 84.8 km of which just over 73 km is metre gauge electrified in 1.5 kV DC; the remaining 11 km, electrified in 15 kV AC, between Porrentruy and Bonfol, being standard gauge.

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