Rather akin to claiming the Titanic was unsinkable you might think. Of more interest are the streetcars which ceased in the city in December 1945. The system had its genesis in 1872 and was electrified as from 1889. An article on the system is here
The Mormon Temple is one of the city's major visitor attractions. |
Looks like the Hotel has stood the test of time! https://maps.google.co.nz/maps?q=new+grand+hotel,+salt+lake+city,+utah,+usa&hl=en&ll=40.760334,-111.889937&spn=0.007273,0.016512&sll=40.771669,-111.868844&sspn=0.029088,0.066047&hq=new+grand+hotel,&hnear=Salt+Lake+City,+Salt+Lake,+Utah,+United+States&t=m&z=17&layer=c&cbll=40.760591,-111.891038&panoid=LxBRsZsHCROLrfW01sPnLA&cbp=12,41.16,,0,-15.5