Tuesday, May 8, 2012

'what became of them'?

While on the subject of unothodox book covers, here is one from Denmark where the title and subtitle have been rotated about 40% clockwise from the horizontal, basically to match the slope of the GM locomotive front used as the illustration.

It's unlikely that a bookshop here would display a book on the subject of historic vehicles like this front side out (unless it was written by a celebrity) to compete with space given to the river of books on cooking, poetry, scandals and glossy scenery, but bookshops in Denmark are evidently more enlightened.  The spine (which is all it would displayed as in NZ) consists of the title as shown, black on white.

As the subtitle says, the book looks at GM diesel locomotives (built in Europe under licence) that were in the DSB fleet and are now used elsewhere, mostly around Europe although in one case, the MZ class, some went to NSW.  The big-nose GM Nohab diesels are particularly popular with enthusiasts and we did an earlier post on such a book published in Belgium.  This one has 224 pages in A4 format with lots of colour photos of different sizes of the locos in different environments, and as nearly all are recent they all look good; on high grade matt art paper, hardcovered.

1 comment:

  1. There were similar locos built for British Railways in the 50's called the warship class, a couple survive in preservation.
    The main physical difference was they were flat ended.
