Saturday, May 5, 2012

the scenic appeal of the Napier-Gisborne railway, now facing the axe

As mentioned in earlier posts, the marvellous Napier - Gisborne railway with considerable tourist potential is facing the threat of closure because Steven Joyce in the Government doesn't want it to compete with his grandiose road plans. Mr Joyce says that the decision is with the CEO of KiwiRail, but as we know, the Government owns all the shares in KiwiRail.

A couple of weeks ago Steam Incorporated operated several services from Napier to Opoutama/Kopuawhara and Wairoa on the available portions of the line. This pic by Steve Mac on the Steam Inc. website captured one of the “Endeavour Express” services passing through the small settlement of Waikokopu. Mahia Peninsula is in the background and Opoutama Beach a further couple of km further along the track.

Tell your your local MP and any List MP from any party. You can find their contact details here.

1 comment:

  1. It has become all too clear on Nationals intentions,everytime they come into power the rail system is either forgotten or chopped. Why oh why did we allow them so much muscle. PM John Key on Campbell Live said there are things going on in Parliament that don't make/concern the media. Well we pay these CIVIL SERVANTS to work for for us , not against us and work to their own agenda. We are considered a tolerant and caring society, the envy of many countries, but its really about time that New Zealanders started kicking up more and revolt like what we see happening overseas ...well the NZ truckers seem to be by not paying road user charges and getting away with it, so why not Joe Public. Why help Minister Joyce with his paths of glory?? The amount to help get this railway back in action is far less than was spent on the Rugby world Cup, Americas Cup and restoring Government House.!!!
