Friday, May 11, 2012

more on NZ Post

An e-mailed comment received from Wallace is below, which is undoubtedly typical of the way many people feel now.  We only send parcels by NZ Post within NZ where the customer has only provided a PO Box as an address.

When it comes to International, DHL used to be good at one time, but their merging in NZ with NZ Post speaks for itself and we no longer use them either.  FedEx seems to have a good reputation.
I think you were correct in your views over privatisation. I just got stung an extra $30 plus to send paintings to UK. The international air with cover is no longer allowed for artwork anymore, instead the only choice is Economy courier or go with a private company who will charge $300 plus for same weight and size. It still cost me almost $100 of which the clients have paid only $56 so need to ask them to reimburse.
Overseas clients will have to look at high costs of shipment and many will be put off.
The owner of the Post Shop at Otaki advised me that with only days away from their franchise contract being renewed, they have not heard from Head Office and are disgusted with NZ Post at the way they have been treated. Waikanae and Paraparaumu are different and are charging a lot higher costs than Otaki for parcels such as mine since their revamp , how that can work beats me but sadly if they close Otaki, it means residents face a trek south or north. The reality is they don't seem to care about the public anymore, just screw more money from Joe Public while making out in advertisements they are really nice people.
Whether a private operator will care remains to be seen, DHL are the worst at customer service from my own experience and lose parcels despite top dollar being paid.
Little faith left now in what was a service and reliable .

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