Tuesday, April 17, 2012

undersea tunnel from Gibraltar to Morocco proposals

An illustration in a French youth magazine from 1938

To cross directly from Europe to North Africa has always required a ferry or a plane trip, although the distance between Gibraltar, which neighbours Spain, and the most northern point in Morocco is only about that of the English Channel/La Manche at its narrowest.  And as with that crossing, the notions for a tunnel here date back a long way - the first was in 1930 - but the first serious study was undertaken in 2003.

The actual proposal that emerged was relatively similar - a twin-electrified railway tunnel about 40 km long.  The problem, however, is that it needs to be a lot deeper than the 'Chunnel' is, and there is the slight question of the cost of it: the countries involved aren't as wealthy as Britain and France and plenty of traffic would be required; and everyone is aware of the financial strife that occurred with the Chunnel.  Plenty of details on the proposal here

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