Sunday, April 15, 2012

the economic superiority of moving freight by rail

Further to the previous post, here is a most relevant extract from the Association of American Railroads website.  Converting the figures to metrics,  that is equivalent to moving a ton of freight 206 km on a litre of fuel - compare that with how many litres of petrol you would use driving your car the same distance!


  1. This is exactly the sort of information the NZ Ministry of Tar
    would not want to see get into the wrong hands. aka the next election opposition parties.
    Makes sense , maybe Gisbornes rail link might cost around 4 million to repair but that would be recuperated with the tonnage expected over a year , not to mention the scenic preservation company who operate there also.How many regret the move to dismantle the Rimutaka Incline line which today would be a world tourist attraction, even with an alternative rail link , which Gisborne has not, it is a sad fact people only think short term on what capital they can get from not spending .If we do not rebuild that line then it says alot about where our long term future for transport will go once the oilwells dictate petrol a luxury, not necessity for thousands of millions. Mr Brownlee and Mr Joyce , WAKE UP NOW before you allow the last nail to close the coffin door lid shut on Gisborne's productivity to the World..

  2. Co-incidentially, 205 km is about the distance from from Napier to Gisborne. That railway fuel consumption figure may not be as good here, as US freight railroads are the model of efficiency, but you can be sure it will be a lot better than Joyce & Brownlees's trucks. $4 million to repair the line isn't a whole lot, and is vastly less than what Joyce wants to spend on the neighbouring road.

    We have commented several times about the shortsighted partial bean-counting that goes on in NZ officialdom and in certain politicans' heads. The struggle to get them to see the big picture goes ever on.
