Saturday, February 4, 2012

transport in Hamburg, 1959

This is a photo from a new pictorial book Mit Walter Hollnagel durch Hamburg (with [photographer] Walter Hollnagel through Hamburg) - Germany's major port city, from the mid-1930s to the early-1960s, including the destruction of the WW2 period, although the bulk of the photos are post-WW2.  It covers transport scenes generally, with railways the prime emphasis and vessels in the harbour second.  You also get scenes of cars, trams and buses. 

The book has 128 well-printed pages in A4 landscape format with about 20% in colour (including a few pre-WW2 Kodachrome and Agfa), hardcovered.  The photo above from 22 May 1959 shows a new boilered 01 class with an express on the Hamburger Pfeilerbahn with destination the main station.

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