Saturday, February 4, 2012

steam in the Auckland yard, March 1957

Not the city skyline that people are used to now!  The atmosphere of a bygone age - not just the JA locos and carriages in this view are history, but much of this yard has since been sold off for other uses.  The train on the left is headed for Rotorua and the two locos on the neighbouring track will take the express train to Taneatua; no trains go to either place now.

This is one of the photos in the book Mixed Gauges by J.B. Snell which is a coffee-table style pictorial, mostly in colour, of steam trains in various countries around the world in the 1950s and 1960s.  The NZ section only runs to 20 pages out of its 256, but of course there is the separate book New Zealand 1950s Steam in Colour.  For steam enthusiasts we recommend both books as great additions to your bookshelves.

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