Thursday, February 2, 2012

once upon a time in Petone...

Well, a bit over 40 years ago, but much in even this scene has gone: the goods sidings which once served Todd Motors whose Hillman sign can be seen further along - Todd Motors itself relocated to a new plant in Porirua in 1972, its Petone building was partly used for a bowling alley for several years - Hillman cars; 4-wheel goods wagons with tarpaulins, in fact all the goods wagons seen here; the sidings seen here; the Odlins timber factory, the site now occupied by the NZ Post sorting centre (or "Auschwitz" as it is known by the staff); and almost gone are the last remaining English Electric multiple units from the early 1950s - so take pics if you see them, they will soon be history.  (John Herbert)


  1. Can I obtain a copy of this picture. Gerald Davidson.

  2. that's the largest version from the person who supplied it - you'll it and contact details on the Wellington rail passenger Yahoo group: -
