Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Kapiti Coast ratepayers protest massive pay rise for council boss

Mr Dougherty - gets massively rewarded for being useless.
Hundreds of angry Kapiti Coast ratepayers (i.e. property tax payers, of which we are one) told the KCDC Mayor today what they thought of her and her Chief Executive awarding themselves massive increases in pay at ratepayers' expense.

Chief executive Pat Dougherty has overseen a $10 million blowout on major projects and for that his pay gets blown out too.  TVNZ story and video.

It's time for these public servants - and public servants generally - to change their belief that they have a divine right to help themselves to taxpayers' money simply because of their job titles.  Local taxpayers are not a cash cow to be milked for personal indulgence.  If the feeling shown at today's protest is anything to go by, Ms Rowan and Mr Dougherty are in for a rough ride if they stay - they should resign now.

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