Tuesday, February 7, 2012

the former Juist Inselbahn, Germany


This, the first motorised island railway of Germany, was a 2.8 km long metre-gauge single track line connecting the East Frisian island of Juist (pronounced 'you-st') across the mudflats which lasted from 1898 to 1982.

In 1898 a horse tram began, in June the following year the first petrol powered 12-hp loco Ricklief began operation along with two luggage vans and two new passenger cars. The second loco Adolf, with double the horespower began in 1902. The third loco arrived in 1913 and the fourth in 1925; the latter was concerted to diesel in 1935. The same year a crude oil loco was put into service.

After WW2 a new loco Heinrich arrived in 1952. In 1958 the first railcar came and in 1959 and 1961 three more. All were built by the Waggonfabrik Talbot and carried the classifications Eifel or Schleswig. Simultaneously old passenger cars were modernised and in the following years numerous goods tanks and flat wagons were added to the fleet. In 1966 came the second to last loco. In 1971 a loco was exchanged with the Wangerooger Inselbahn.  The scenes above date from 1965.

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