Saturday, January 21, 2012

the need for editors

This new book is a compilation of headlines and statements in the press and signage that because of their clumsy construction, inappropriate or missing words and/or misspellings, create an unintentionally hilarious effect; the sort of thing that makes you wonder "how did that get past an editor?"  The answer invariably is that there wasn't one.

In most cases the actual intent of the writer can be deduced, but there are some which are baffling, such as an advertisement including a lion in the contents of a house for sale, or the statement, "Statistics show that teen pregnancy drops off considerably after age 25".  You would have thought that after age 19 it ceases completely.  A sign outside a Scottish cinema advertised "Free admission for old age pensioners if accompanied by both parents" - you doubt that many could qualify.  Even the weather forecast "Sun or rain expected today, dark later" - yes, well, that's telling us a lot...

These are just a few of hundreds of examples in this book's 127 pages which should impart the message that editors are useful, as well as giving more than a few chuckles.


  1. "A sign outside a Scottish cinema advertised "Free admission for old age pensioners if accompanied by both parents" - you doubt that many could qualify."

    I think you'll find that one's more of a joke saying :)
