Tuesday, January 10, 2012

the former cog wheel railway of Luchon to Superbagnères, France

The Chemin de fer de Luchon à Superbagnères was a metre-gauge cog-wheel line built in 1912 serving  the plateau of Superbagnères. The railway was operated by the Société des chemins de fer et hôtels de montagne aux Pyrénées (CFHMP), which was a subsidiary of the Compagnie des chemins de fer du Midi.

It closed in 1966. All its technical characteristics were compatible with the (still existing) Chemin de fer de la Rhune.

The line was 5.65 km long with 5 stops of which 3 were request stops (reduced to 2 towards the end). Its two engineering works were an 88 metre long viaduct and a bridge at an angle.

Power supply was at 3,000 Volts three phase AC, with two aerial wires and the rails provided the third phase. The rack was a Strub type, fitted the whole distance.

The rolling stock comprised 4 electric locotractors built in Switzerland by SLM, Winterthur, and electrical equipment from Brown Boveri, 10 passenger cars and 5 goods wagons. 

After closure the line was transformed into a walking path and the rolling stock was sent to the Chemin de fer de la Rhune.

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