Wednesday, November 9, 2011

vote on a "Wellywood" sign or two alternatives for the hill near Wellington airport

The stuff (Fairfax) website has a page to vote on whether you like the "Wellywood" sign (see earlier post) or two alternatives as shown above.

We sort of like the "Eye of the Taniwha" (water dragon) graphic, but it looks a bit malicious.  Isn't there something better than any of these?

The "Wellington Blown Away" was the  clear choice of the three with 18,862 of the 33,027 votes cast, 57.1%.
The "Eye of the Taniwha" design was second, but trailed by more than 7000 votes.
The "Wellywood" option, which caused public outrage when first proposed by Wellington International Airport, managed just 3104 votes, a mere 9.4%

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