Friday, November 18, 2011

storm in a teacup

We've commented a few times in previous posts about how the news media here ignores worthy issues and instead makes trivial matters into major ones.  Some will remember at the time the Berlin Wall was falling that the main issue for the media in NZ was whether a former PM was having if off with his press secretary.

Now with Syria on the brink of civil war, all the media here can talk about as their number one issue is what John Key and John Banks talked about when they met for a cup of tea in an Auckland cafĂ© with over a dozen media people watching through a glass partition - a freelance cameraman had left a microphone in a bag on the table which recorded the conversation but the contents have not been released.  So what?  Is John Banks really a politician anyone should take seriously in the first place?

Now TV One has elevated the matter to number one spot in its bulletins and declared it to be a "scandal"!  The only minor issue of concern is why didn't the Diplomatic Protection Squad clear the table and check underneath it first?

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