Tuesday, November 15, 2011

'occupy' protests dwindle

"I know what you're thinking; about banks that is. You're thinking, 'They're run by a small clique of greedy morose bastards, who when they find themselves in the crap like bnz, go to the government to get a bailout.'"

A catchphrase which emerged a couple of years ago was, "If it's too big to fail, then it's too big to exist." The government clearly has a duty to stop the excessive concentration of wealth and power into the hands of a few large behemoths. In America, the communication system was actually improved and innovation spurred when, in 1984, AT&T was forced to split into seven independent companies.  It took until this year for Telecom to be given the same treatment here.

A corporate monster will not voluntarily watch its weight. Keeping the leviathan from selfishly overeating and destroying the loch is our government's job.  That is the point which should have been focused on by the protesters.  As it is, they haven't achieved much. 

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