Wednesday, November 16, 2011

most NZers disagree with Steven Joyce - survey

Most New Zealanders don't want the Government to spend big money on our roads. A poll released by Colmar Brunton and WWF (the World Wide Fund for Nature) shows seven out of 10 people want to see more money going into improving public transport.

Aucklanders in particular want to see more commitment to public transport with 78% of people saying more of the transport budget should be spent on public transport in major urban areas.

And most people who don't live in cities (65%) still back a bigger spend on public transport in cities.
"The futility of building more roads is not lost on Kiwis - they know fuel prices will rise and new roads will not help them,"  WWF New Zealand spokesperson Lee Barry said.

The poll was of 1000 people and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1%.  (from

1 comment:

  1. Lets be honest Joyce is a clown, he is only a MP because where he was on the Party List, No one even voted for him. The sooner we Get rid of him the better.
