Thursday, November 17, 2011

the best bus movie

a 1966 GM TDH 5303
From the best known to the best: Speed from 1994 had as its plot a bomber and extortionist, a retired Atlanta bomb squad sergeant, who sets up a bomb on a city bus that must keep moving above 50 miles per hour (80 km/h) or the bomb will explode.  Sandra Bullock starred as the bus driver, which moved her from relative obscurity to the A List.  Afterwards she was given honorary membership of the LA bus drivers union who were impressed. It was a good action movie and for those into transport even better.

Eleven GM New Look buses and one Flxible Metro bus were used in the filming of the movie. Two of them were blown up, one was used for the high-speed scenes, one had the front cut off for inside shots, and one was used solely for the "under bus" shots. Another bus was used for a bus jump scene, which was done in one take. Many of the freeway scenes were filmed on California's Interstate 105 and Interstate 110, which was not officially open at the time of filming.

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