Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 years since the day of the pilots from hell

It was one of those days when everyone will remember where they were when they heard the news.  In New Zealand, because of the time difference (16 hours ahead of American Eastern Daylight Time) the Muslim terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 occurred in the early hours of the morning of 12 September and most people awoke to the news.  At first, the radio seemed like it was broadcasting a story like Orson Wells with War of the Worlds, but it seemed too real for that -- the TV confirmed and revealed the full horror of what these psychopathic lunatics had done.

Flying to Australia later that day was a normal event, but as the details of the hijackings became known, new security measures were put in place, so on the return flight to NZ the nail scissors were confiscated.  And, of course, with every fresh attempt by another Muslim nutter to blow his plane up, the security became tighter and more time consuming (and expensive, of course).  Now you get your shoes x-rayed and you can't carry a bottle with more than 100 ml of liquid onto a plane (and those bottles need to be full, not a larger bottle containing only 100 ml). 

A lot was made by occultists of this Nostradamus prophesy:

L’an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra un grand Roi deffraieur
Rescusciter le grand Roi de’Angolmois
Avant que Mars regner par bonhneur


However, even accepting that sept mois means September and not July, the year 1999 is specific.  And Roi deffraieur (défrayeur in modern French) means someone, or something, that is the main topic of conversation, not a King of terror as some claim. Du ciel could well mean an astronomical body. The next two lines are so cryptic that like nearly all of Nostradamus they can be interpreted in many ways, for example, Angolmois - Angolans, Mongols, the Archangel Michael? Not Arabs anyway.  Mars was the Roman god of war, so the last line could mean "before War reigns with pleasure", but that is hardly anything unusual - when has there not been a war somewhere in the world?

More interesting was the repeated incidence of the numeral 11 -- the shape of the twin towers, the addition of 9+1+1, and the first plane to strike was AA flight 11.  But how many self-proclaimed clairvoyants really predicted it all?

Most of the perpetrators of 9/11 have since got their come-uppance, but alas there are plenty of Muslim cultists out there who still want to copy them.

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