Tuesday, April 5, 2011

National Train Day is on Saturday 7 May

In the USA, not New Zealand.  Grammy award winning singer Gladys Knight will share her love of trains to celebrate the fourth annual National Train Day on 7 May, according to Amtrak. Knight will serve as the national spokesperson for the day, and will open the festivities at Washington Union Station.

"I'm a big fan of train travel," Knight said. "I not only love the comfort and convenience of trains, but also like knowing that I'm doing my part to help the environment every time I choose to travel by rail."

National Train Day commemorates the 142nd anniversary of the transcontinental railroad's completion by bringing to life the rich history of how trains have transformed America.

In addition to the Washington, D.C., event, Amtrak is hosting National Train Day festivities at other stations across the country including New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia. Each free event will feature live entertainment, interactive and educational exhibits, kids' activities, model trains, and tours of Amtrak equipment, freight and commuter trains, and private railroad cars.  Website

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