Saturday, April 2, 2011

first expresso coffee, now expresso books

Tired of your local bookseller telling you that they will have to do a "special order" for that book?  The days of instant books from the expresso machine are here: above is Jason Epstein, inventor of the Expresso Book Machine, a one-ton machine made of 15 feet of Plexiglas and metal that prints and binds custom books —  and if you're in NYC it can be found at the McNally Jackson bookstore in Soho. Paper flies off of trays, whirls through wheels and gets piled up in stacks. The book takes shape fast. "Physical books is the way [great texts] have been preserved and handed down for 5,000 years, and I think that’s not gonna end now," Epstein says. 

Obviously it's not suitable for the type of finely reproduced upmarket book we publish, but for paperbacks it sounds ideal. webpage

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