Friday, February 26, 2010

Hitler is unhappy with the Telecom dummkopfs

Have a little laugh at the expense of the Evil Empire a.k.a. Telecom NZ and watch this hilarious spoof!


  1. great stuff! lol...
    aren't you worried that the 'evil empire' will retaliate and be nasty to you for these postings?

  2. They already have been nasty to us – how does over a week of our landlines being down with no apology, no refund, and no compensation sound? That’s why we took their standard customer helpdesk advice to “F*** Off” some time ago! They’ve been and are nasty to everyone else too, massively overcharging people for over 20 years, and putting sneaky extras on to their bills. How does charging a couple in their 70s an amazing $5 a month (not a year) for “renting” an extension phone bell that was over 50 years old sound? How does charging everybody $2.65 a month (not a year) for ”line maintenance” sound? All that means is that if a rat chews through your phone cable between the junction box and the wall socket they will repair it for you. Any competent electrician can do that, so if you’re one of the poor sods who still uses these assholes (heaven knows why), tell them to stop charging you for this sort of thing. Best of all, though, take and follow the same advice we did.
