Monday, July 18, 2011

Rotorua's Shweeb


"What?" Well, the post about the Wuppertal Schwebebahn gives the origin of the term, obviously the creator of this sports amusement in Rotorua decided to give the word a custom spelling.

Inside the cars you pedal like a bicycle and can race against the clock or an opponent  A few details from the website

* Minimum height requirement is 1.1 metres
* One - four people can Shweeb at any one time
* Each race is three laps of the 200 metre race track (600 metres)
* You will use around half the energy of a racing bike and 1/3rd of a mountain bike
* Opened in October 2007
* The oldest person to race on the Shweeb is 84
* Since opening over 40,000 rides have been done at the Shweeb

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